This page is for Frequently Asked Questions about Buildings By Shane Henderson.

How big are your prints?
My large digital and screen prints are 12.5x19". This is the size of the paper that I get from Mohawk Fine Papers. The actual "live art area" of the print is 10x14" with an inch of free space around it, coming to 12x16" which is the size of the mat opening that I would recommend for framing purposes.

My miniature prints are 5.5x8.5" or half of a standard letter size sheet of paper. They fit into an A9 greeting card envelope (5.75x8.75").

What kind of paper do you use?
All of my prints are made on Mohawk Loop Antique Vellum paper, with the digital prints being done on the Straw color for all of my orange/green/purple prints, the Milkweed color for the digital "Gone But Not Forgotten" prints, and the Urban Gray color for screen prints. The paper is 110 pound double-thick, making it approximate to the thickness of a standard business card. The paper is acid-free 50% post-consumer waste (PCW) recycled, which gives it its rough grainy texture. The paper is also certified by both the Forest Stewardship Council, ensuring that it comes from responsibly managed forests and Green Seal, requiring the paper process to be environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Do you print these yourself?
Yes, I do all my digital prints myself on an Epson Artisan 1430 printer using Claria Hi-Definition Ink.

How do you ship your prints?
I ship all of my prints flat in rigid Stayflat Kraft mailer envelopes to ensure that they aren't damaged in transit. Each print is also sealed in a clear plastic sleeve for protection as well. Shipping normally takes 7-10 days. I provide a tracking number as well so you can know when your package will arrive.

Why do you charge a flat rate for shipping?
Because shipping rates vary over the United States, I choose to charge a flat rate which goes mostly toward the cost imposed by the US Post Office and the rest goes toward the shipping materials (Stayflat mailer, plastic sleeve, labels, etc.) For individual large prints, the rate is a flat $10. For miniature prints, the rate is $5. For every other print added on to the original, I add an additional $1 to cover shipping/handling.

Do you do commissions?
Yes, I do commissioned work. My rate is $300 for a commissioned piece and that includes a print of your commissioned piece framed. Before work is to begin, I will send out a contract and a 50% down payment is required prior to start of the illustration. This protects us both (ensuring that I get paid and you get your requested illustration). If you are local to within 100 miles of the Pittsburgh area, I will deliver as well for a fee of $0.50/mile. If you are outside of the Pittsburgh area, there will be a shipping/handling fee that will vary according to your location and USPS rates. As I would not want the frames to be damaged while shipping to your location, they will be bundled and packed very carefully. If the commissioned piece is not private (i.e. a home), I will also offer it on my website for additional prints to be ordered. If you would request additional framed prints, the rate is $100 plus shipping/handling.

Do you do illustrations of homes?
Yes, I do private illustrations of homes. These are great for Christmas, birthday or housewarming gifts for your family and friends. My rate is $200 for a home illustration and that includes a framed print, just like my other commissioned work. A signed contract with a 50% down payment is also required. Delivery or shipping is also the same as for my commissioned work. For homes, I do not offer them for sale on my website to the general public, but I may feature the illustration to promote my Homes by Shane Henderson brand, unless you direct me not to. I would not share any personal information about you or the person requesting the illustration. The information I would need in order to do an illustration of a home is the address (ex. 123 Main Street), name of the home (if there is one), or family name (ex. Smith Home); and the year built (if not available, you could also use the year you moved in). I would also need photographs of the front of the house (or if there is another view that you would prefer). I may ask for additional photos, or photos of details in the brickwork or other architectural features if they aren't clear in the initial photos. I will not share any of these photos or the accompanying information. Everything is kept completely private. If you would request additional prints, the rate is $30 for unframed prints and $75 for framed prints plus shipping/handling.

Any other questions not answered here, please feel free to visit my Contact page.